Workforce Project Policies

a salary line item. If you do not plan to reimburse for proctor cost, enter a zero dollar salary line.)

Career 101 is an ACT product utilized by the NCRC program. This product provides remediation for NCRC, preparatory instruction and pretest for the NCRC. Pretests are indicators that allow the NCRC assessment to start at the appropriate level. The pretest also indicates individuals that should receive preparatory instruction. Pretests and preparatory instruction are recommended but not required. Test proctors will be reimbursed at a rate not to exceed $25 per hour. Any reimbursement for test proctoring must be for testing of more than or at least 5 participants unless prior approval has been granted from MCCB or if a schedule of hours for walk-ins has been established and approved by the MCCB. The salary line item for these projects should be employability/remediation. Colleges must maintain timesheets to document the proctor’s time. To receive a CRC certificate, the following assessments are used: reading for information, applied mathematics and locating information. If a 4 th assessment is requested for any company or for anyone who is testing for teacher’s assistant certification, the cost is allowable for reimbursement. Retest in subject areas above the Silver will not be reimbursed unless required by an employer. To provide the necessary reporting to MCCB, the NCRC certificate template must be completed in its entirety for anyone who tests, whether they pass or not. Colleges have the option to charge individuals and industries. However, for monitoring purposes, if the colleges charge the participant, please have proper documentation to show that workforce funds were not reimbursed. MCCB uses WET funds to pay for the NCRC, no high school students can be reimbursed. Participants must be separated from high school (example: enrolled in an Adult Education, dropout, or a high school graduate). First time, NCRC, test fees are paid by the Workforce project. Remediation is required for all retests in all individual subject areas. Retests will not be reimbursed for individuals refusing remediation. Only one retest will be reimbursed per subject area: reading for information, locating information and applied mathematics. Contact the local the Adult Education Division for remediation.

Trainee Credentialing

Nationally recognized credentials provide third-party verification that individuals have demonstrated competence in relevant skill areas. Upon successful issuing of credentials, MCCB will reimburse 50% of credential cost. State the total cost of the credential in the project. Reimbursement per person for credentials shall not exceed $200 per person per year. The maximum reimbursement per college in this category will be $10,000 per fiscal year.

MCCB will NOT pay licensure fees for individuals completing training to include but not limited to commercial driver license (CDL) testing fee and/or licensure fee, NCLEX registry


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