Workforce Project Policies

Proprietary Programs The following programs are considered proprietary training packages because of state contacts: DDI, VitalEdu, AchieveGlobal, Lean Training, Plexus, ISO-9000, QS- 9000, ISO-14000-01, Zig Ziglar, Phi Theta Kappa Leadership and Stephen Covey. National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) The MCCB will fund the NCRC projects with WET Funds contingent upon availability. The budget is for the WorkKeys assessments (tests) and for salary reimbursement for proctor cost. To receive a CRC certificate, the following assessments are used: reading for information, applied mathematics and locating information. If a 4 th assessment is requested for any company or for anyone who is testing for teacher’s assistant certification, the cost is allowable for reimbursement. Trainee Credentialing Nationally recognized credentials provide third-party verification that individuals have demonstrated competence in relevant skill areas. Upon successful issuing of credentials, MCCB will reimburse 50% of credential cost. Reimbursement per person for credentials shall not exceed $200 per person per year. Instructor Salaries Instructor Salaries shall be based on the type of training with the rate of pay being determined by the Workforce Project Manager. Reimbursement by the MCCB shall not exceed the rate of $35 per hour. The exception to the $35 per hour must be approved by the Executive Director of the MCCB or his designee. Educational Materials and Supplies Training manuals and textbooks are an allowable expense if the school is retaining them for future use. Assistance for high cost educational materials will be considered on a project-by-project basis, based on justification to be provided in the project application. Reimbursement on a per person basis for materials will not be done for any type of project. A local tracking system must be used for all expendable educational materials and supplies. Instructional Training Aids/Curriculum Development Training manuals and videos, and other training materials through a public entity may be purchased. Justification must be a part of the project, submitted under the educational materials and supplies section. ELIGIBLE TRAINING COST


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