Workforce Project Policies

materials such as regionally-customized CD’s, print materials and websites will be pursued as applicable at the state level as well. The MCCB Workforce logo must be included on all printed materials.

I V. Accountability/Performance

(a) Fiscal Accountability – The MCCB maintains fiscal accountability in two ways: (1) by setting project writing and expenditure policies for colleges to follow and (2) by conducting an annual monitoring visit to each college. FY 2018 project writing and expenditure policies are included here as Appendix C. Fiscal monitoring visits consist of a review of a random sample of approximately 10% of a college’s projects for the previous year. A variety of checks and balances is referenced, including but not limited to comparing the training plan to the class roll sheets, comparing reimbursement requests to invoices and instructor time sheets, reviewing instructional quality checklists and reviewing the notes on instruction as monitored by the center staff. The MCCB reserves the right to conduct 100% monitoring visits and the right to monitor any ongoing activities at any time. In the event that discrepancies are found, appropriate corrective action is taken and the college is provided technical assistance as needed. A copy of the monitoring instrument for FY 2018 projects is provided as Appendix D. (b) Programmatic Performance – In FY 2018, the MCCB will continue to have available performance information such as number of employees and employers being served, type and quantity of training course, and other information that can be determined from the project database. The robust performance system will continue to be used. See below: 1. the development of a common dataset, 2. electronic collection and storage of data, preferably in the local colleges existing student information system, 3. electronic systems be able to export information through data files to other entities, 4. data files are to be used for the purposes of transcripting non-credit activities, MCCB non-credit enrollment management, and for use in determining performance on SWIB/MCCB jointly approved performance measures, and In order to facilitate the move to this performance measurement system, the MCCB in conjunction with the college and other partners define the following three file structures as the required common dataset that must be maintained for each training activity.


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