2021 MSVCC Academy Catalog
CANVAS RUBRICS Canvas Rubrics demonstrates to participants how to create rubrics in canvas and apply UDL checkpoints when creating assessments and providing feedback to students. CODING WITH CANVAS Coding with Canvas introduces the basics of HTML coding. HTML, or hypertext markup language, is a form of code that is used to structure web pages and web- based content. The webinar will discuss the use of HTML to structure paragraphs, lists, images, and tables in canvas. COURSE DESIGN FOR ADA COMPLIANCE Course Design for ADA Compliance introduces the ADA standards applied to commercial and public entities that have “places of public accommodation” which include the Internet. It is important for educators to create content and resources that are accessible to every learner. Participants will share ideas and issues related to ADA compliance. COURSE PAGE CONSTRUCTION: ACCESSIBILITY BASICS Course Page Construction: Accessibility Basics demonstrates how to develop structured course page content that is accessible for all users. Accessibility determines how and if users receive content that is created. This webinar covers imperative accessibility features like alternative text, color contrast, closed captions, and video transcripts. A live demonstration is included. COURSE PAGE CONSTRUCTION: BANNER BASICS Course Page Construction: Banner Basics demonstrates how to develop course page banners using the free Canva app. Banners are essential to course construction due to their ability to provide meaning, depth, and visual appeal to the subject matter. This webinar includes a live demonstration on banner construction and embedding. COURSE PAGE CONSTRUCTION: RCE BASICS Course Page Construction: RCE Basics introduces the creation of course content using the Rich Content Editor. It is designed to demonstrate how to develop structured course page content using default features in the RCE (Rich Content Editor). The webinar includes identification of RCE elements, the process of inserting visual elements for organization, and the construction of a course page. Tips and best practices for content structure are discussed. This webinar includes a live demonstration. 25
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