2021 MSVCC Academy Catalog




Describe the benefits of taking Growing with Canvas or Digging Deeper with Designing and Teaching. In order to be the best instructor you can be, learn everything you can on how to present the material in a fun way, but a skilled way. By taking these courses you are benefiting both yourself and your students.

Describe your favorite project involving instructional technology. I enjoy projects that involve creating something that enhances an activity that aligns with objectives. A tool that I use for these activities is called Jing. Jing is a free program that can be used either by instructors or students to provide verbal feedback or reflections on writing tasks. Where is your ultimate vacation destination, and what would you do there?

PHYLLIS JOHNSON Northwest MS Community College Dean of eLearning I would go to Hawaii and swim in the blue ocean waters or even snorkel to see what beautiful things God made on that side of the earth.


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