FY2025 MSVCC P&P (MELA Approved, Under APA, Submitted to SOS)

Minimum/Maximum Number of Exams: • A minimum of one (1) and a maximum of three (3) proctored exams per MSVCC course are allowed for terms of 6 weeks or more. • A minimum of one (1) and a maximum of two (2) proctored exams per MSVCC course are allowed for terms of 5 weeks or less. Delivery Method: All proctored exams are conducted electronically through the learning management system or an applicable third-party site (e.g., MyMathLabs, SAM), as determined by the Host instructor. Proctoring Standards Evaluation: Colleges must evaluate their proctoring needs annually to ensure adequate hours of operation and resources to support MSVCC and local students. Out-of-State and Virtual Proctoring: Colleges permitting out-of-state or virtual proctoring must follow established procedures to ensure approval for off-site proctors and centers. TEXTBOOKS As members of the MSVCC, all colleges agree to abide by the following guidelines regarding meeting the textbook needs of students while enrolled in an MSVCC course. Order from the Publisher If possible, the bookstore will order from the publisher, rather than the other bookstore, except where unique situations arise (i.e., instructor prepared materials, out-of-edition textbooks, etc.). Order from another Store If a bookstore is unable to buy from the publisher and have the textbook delivered to the student within 14 days, the Host College will place an order with the Provider College. Each college will accept a purchase order from a member of the MACC. Each college bookstore will accept open purchase orders from other stores, if that is the procedure that they would like to use. The bookstore may call or email their order to the other bookstore. Prior to placing this order, the college will verify the information on the student’s profile for accuracy. Communication about Orders All communication concerning any orders between stores will occur only between the stores involved. It is agreed that there will be no communication with a student about a textbook ordered from another college which involves criticism of the other college. Therefore, a student will not be asked to call the other bookstore. As the student did not place the order, only the other college bookstore will call for information on the order.


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