FY2025 MSVCC P&P (MELA Approved, Under APA, Submitted to SOS)
Section 5: Special Meetings Special meetings may be called by the President or by a two-thirds majority of the Association. Section 6: Notice of Meetings Notice of each meeting shall be given by the President to the Association, by email, not less than seven days before the meeting. Section 7: Quorum The Association may only take official action and conduct official business when two-thirds majority of the membership is present. Section 8: Voting Any member may request the Association discuss or take formal action on a particular subject. Once the motion has been made, the motion must be seconded by a member. One representative per college may cast a vote. No college may vote by proxy or absentee ballot. Article VII: Committees Committees are utilized to develop and implement the Strategic Plan, which guides the MSVCC in achieving its vision for the current cycle (typically four years). The purpose of the strategic planning cycle is to provide quality, accessible, and flexible instructional offerings through the utilization of instructional technologies while ensuring integrity, supporting students, and providing resources for faculty success. Section 1: Standing Committees The Association shall maintain the following standing committees: Administration Committee, Quality Committee, and Support Committee. Each committee's members are tasked with a subset of topics related to the goals and operation of the MSVCC.
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