FY2025 MSVCC P&P (MELA Approved, Under APA, Submitted to SOS)

5. Please rate your satisfaction with communication with the following student service offices. (If you do not utilize a service, please select Not Applicable.)

a. Admissions/Records b. Counseling/Advising c. Financial Aid d. Business Services e. Housing

f. Recruiting g. Bookstore h. eLearning/Distance Learning 6. The college provided adequate access to textbook services and course materials. 7. The college provides adequate access to financial aid services. 8. Information regarding campus activities was accessible. 9. What suggestions do you have for improving Student Services? (COMMENT BOX) Library Resources/Services Please respond to questions 1 – 5 using the following scale: 1 – Yes, 0 – No. 1. The course(s) that I am currently taking require(s) library resources/research. If your answer is no, please skip questions 2 – 8 of this section and proceed to section IV. Technology. 2. For my online course assignments, I needed resources, books, and magazines which were NOT available online. 3. If I needed resources, books, and magazines which were NOT available online, an alternate method for obtaining the resources was available. 4. Instructions for using library resources were provided in the following ways (Select all that apply): a. Online through the MELO website b. Online through my college

c. Handouts d. Librarians


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