FY2025 MSVCC P&P (MELA Approved, Under APA, Submitted to SOS)
e. Faculty Instruction f. Instructions for using library resources were adequate and effective. 5. Check the following electronic resources that you have used (select all that apply): a. MELO (MS Electronic Libraries Online) b. MAGNOLIA/ (EBSCO Host) c. College library website 6. During the semester, I used library resources in the following ways (select all that apply): a. Accessed my college’s library website b. Talked in person to someone c. Used Ask a Librarian 24/7 Live Chat service d. d. Called on the phone e. Accessed through my Canvas course 7. What suggestions do you have for improving Library Resources/Services? 8. Comments: Technology Please respond using the following scale: 4 – Strongly Agree, 3 – Agree, 2 – Disagree, 1 – Strongly Disagree, 0 – Not Applicable 1. I understood that this course would be conducted completely online. 2. Prior to enrolling in an online course, I was made aware that I must have access to a reliable computer with consistent internet connectivity. 3. I was appropriately prepared with the technical skills needed to be successful in an online course. 4. Canvas functioned properly with minimal problems. 5. The software used in my course(s) functioned properly and was adequately supported. Please include the name(s) of the software application(s) you used. Comments: 6. Technical support was adequate.
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