FY2025 MSVCC P&P (MELA Approved, Under APA, Submitted to SOS)

7. Please list any areas where technical support was inadequate. Please be detailed and include specific names, offices, or resources you used for support. Comments: Comments Please list any additional comments or suggestions.


MSVCC Provider Course Review In accordance with the MSVCC Policies & Procedures Manual, the Provider College is responsible for uploading faculty credentials and course syllabi into the Enrollment Tool. Host College may use this form to determine if a Provider College's credentials and course criteria align with local instructional practices and procedures. Course: [Enter Course Name] Instructor: [Enter Instructor Name] College Site: [Enter College Site] Faculty Credentials: • Approved • Disapproved Comments: [Enter Comments] Evaluated by: [Enter Evaluator Name] Date: [Enter Date] Criteria: 1. Course description is clearly stated: • Yes • No • Undetermined Comments: [Enter Comments] 2. Student learning outcomes, goals, and objectives are clearly and specifically stated: • Yes • No


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