FY 2018 Funding Formula Booklet 2_21_18
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College to continue to operate their Sign Language Interpreter Training programs. Education Technology – Section 12 of S.B. 2964 appropriates $7,099,160 from the general fund to the MCCB for the purpose of defraying the cost of the education technology program at the community and junior colleges. Education technology funds may be used to pay for recurring technology costs which include voice, data and video line costs, internet access, maintenance on computer software and hardware, technology training needs for faculty and staff, and equipment upgrades. Each CJC district is provided two technology positions at $50,000 per position. Internet utilization costs assessed by ITS are estimated at $540,000 and will be paid from education technology funds. (See Section 9 of S.B. 2963 for the corresponding authority transfer to the MCCB administration budget.) See the “Guidelines for Disbursement of Education Technology Funds” and the allocation for those funds for more detail. Performance Measures – The support appropriations bill in FY 2018 includes the same performance measures as compared with the ones from FY 2017. The targets have been revised. They include: FY2018 Performance Measures Target
9. Percentage of students (unduplicated headcount) who Enrolled in College Algebra who Successfully Completed College Algebra during the Academic Year (%) 75.45 10. Number of High School Equivalencies Awarded 4,802 Advanced Training Centers – Section 15 appropriates from the general fund to the Mississippi Community College Board an amount of $2,250,000 or $150,000 to each community
Instruction 1. Number of Total Degrees awarded per 100 FTE Enrollment (%) 29.44 Associate Degrees 14.60 Associate of Applied Science Degrees 8.45 Certificates 8.16 2. Percentage of First-Time Entering, Part-Time Degree-Seeking Students (Fall) who Earned 24 Credit Hours by the End of Year Two (%) 16.20 3. Percentage of First-Time Entering, Full-Time Degree-Seeking Students (Fall) who Earned 42 Credit Hours by the End of Year Two (%) 40.62 4. Percentage of Associate Degree Nursing and Practical Nursing Licensure Exam Pass Rates (%) 90.43 5. Percentage of Total Student Success, which Graduates, Transfers, and Retention (those still enrolled) (%) 54.19 Graduates 24.44 Transfers 23.17 Retention 8.31 6. Percentage of Students Enrolled in Career/Technical and Health Science Programs (%) 23.50 7. Percentage of In-State Job Placements of Career/Technical and Health Science Graduates (%) 88.54 8. Percentage of Students (unduplicated headcount) who Enrolled in English Composition I who Successfully Completed English Composition I during the Academic Year (%) 70.95
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