FY 2018 Funding Formula Booklet 2_21_18
provides skills that are, in the professional opinion of the local college, in the upper 50% of the skill range of those employed in their district.” (See the MCCB approved “Guide for the Disbursement of Advanced Training Center Funds.) Associate Degree Nursing and Allied Health Programs – Section 16 appropriates from the general fund an amount of $2,556,922 in FY 2018. The Associate Degree Nursing portion of $1,356,922 will be disbursed evenly as has been done in previous years at $90,461 per college. All 15 colleges previously agreed, prior to accepting the funds, to add an additional A.D.N. instructor so that 10 or more students could be admitted. The Rural Health Corps line item was consolidated into the Associate Degree Nursing line item in FY 2015. The purpose of Rural Health Corps in the amount of $1,200,000 in general funds was to hire nursing and allied health
include electricity, natural gas, butane, propane, cable, and phone services. Where actual cost cannot be determined, the (colleges) shall be required to provide meters to be in compliance with legislative intent.” Dormitory residences are not included and allowances for such utilities shall be prohibited . Section 19 remains in the bill and it states that preference shall be given to the Mississippi Industries for the Blind whenever purchases of commodities or equipment are made without competitive bids. Section 20 states that it is the intention of the Legislature that the community colleges shall maintain complete accounting and personnel records related to the expenditure of all funds appropriated.
Repairs & Renovations from the Capital Expense Funds. However, with the 4 cuts in FY 2017 almost all of these funds were cut. There are no R&R funds appropriated from the Capital Expense Fund in FY 2018. Utilities for Employees - Section 18 is included for the tenth year and it states that “It is the intention of the Legislature that none of the funds provided (in S.B. 2964 shall be used to pay certain utilities for state furnished housing for any employees . Such utilities shall
successful program administered through the adult basic education program with the MCCB. This section also requires the colleges to prepare and make available to the Legislative Budget Office a comprehensive report on the number of dropouts that have enrolled in a high school Equivalency and or career program for each community and junior college during FY 2017 on, or before, August 1, 2018. Repairs and Renovations - In FY 17 the colleges were appropriated $5,000,000 for
teachers, award interest free nursing and allied health student loans, and provide instructional support for Rural Health Corps. The RHC $1.2M will continue to be disbursed based on ½ evenly and ½ on FTE enrollment. Dropout Recovery Initiative – Section 17 appropriates from the general fund an amount of $3,000,000 for the purpose of providing a pilot dropout recovery initiative based on a
and junior college for Advanced Training Centers. Advanced Training Centers have been defined by the MCCB as: “An advanced training center is a physical facility, staffed by personnel and operated by the college, which offers advanced training to the businesses and industry within a community or junior college district. Advanced training is certain training that
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