FY 2018 Funding Formula Booklet 2_21_18
Session for FY 2018. S.B. 3015 – Additional Appropriations for Various State Agencies. Effective from and after passage. Partially Vetoed by Governor 05/18/17 S. B. No. 3015 provides additional appropriations for various state agencies for fiscal year 2017. S ection 6 provides an additional appropriation from the Capital Expense Fund of $3,619,482 to MDE to defray the expense of Vocational and Technical Education. This will restore the two (2) cuts totaling $1,586,252.51 the colleges received during FY 2017. Section 25 of this bill was partially vetoed by the Governor but the remaining sections went into effect upon passage.
states that “no state agency shall incur obligations or indebtedness in excess of their appropriation and that the responsible officers, either personally or upon their official bonds, shall be held responsible for actions contrary to this provision.” Bond Bill for Community Colleges.
Bond funds were not approved for the community colleges during the 2017 Regular
Section 21 was added to all appropriations bills in FY 2014. It remains in FY 2018 and
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