FY 2018 Funding Formula Booklet 2_21_18
FY 2018 S.B. 2963 – MCCB Administration Bill - Effective 07/01/17. Signed 04/18/17. S.B. 2963 is an appropriation to the Mississippi Community College Board for the purpose of defraying the administrative expenses of the MCCB for FY 2018. The total amount of S.B. 2963 is $101,064,662 for an overall increase of $13,748,286 or 15.7% over FY 2017. The funding breakdown is as follows: General Fund $5,894,284 Education Enhancement Fund $256,000, Federal $7,927,072, and Special $86,987,306 . General Funds were reduced by -$704,214 from $6,598,498 to $5,894,284. In FY 2017 GF were reduced by -$365,967 which brings us to a total reduction over two years of -$1,070,181 or -14.8%. General Funds (Section 1) in FY 2018 continue to include the following funding items: 1. 19 Industrial Coordinators at the colleges for a total of $775,534 , 2. $24,975 to defray utilities costs to IHL at $1.50 per square foot (8,480 sq. ft.
$512,124 from the WET workforce fund. In FY2017 with the 4 th round of GF cuts, we cut the GF $261,124 for Dual LPN from the budget. 5. $35,000 for the career readiness certificate program for workforce training to continue and enhance the Career Readiness Certificate Program which promotes workplace readiness using a nationally accepted assessment for granting career readiness certificates was cut out of the budget in FY 2017, 6. $37,626 for Geospatial Site Licenses (Section 17). This is the community college share. This same amount was appropriated in FY 2017. FY 2018 will be the sixth year for the MCCB to receive Education Enhancement Funds . EEF Funds in the amount of $86,000 were appropriated in FY 2013 for a grant writer position . An increase of $170,000 to $256,000 was made in FY 2014 and continued at that same level since (Section 16). Federal fund authority remained the same at $7,927,072. All of this authority is budgeted for Adult Education. Section 2 special funds (including federal) of $94,595,992 increased by $14,452,500 from $80,143,492 and Section 3 Proprietary School and College Registration funds of $574,386
Summary of Mississippi Community College Board Appropriations Bills
X $1.50 = $12,720). MCCB also pays for an additional 8,170 sq. feet at $12,255 from Career/Technical Curriculum special funds. (Section 15) 3. $542,459 for the purpose of defraying the cost if the Greenville Higher Education Center (Section 12), 4. $261,124 for the Dual LPN program (Section 13); the overall Dual LPN program budget is $1,107,000 and $333,752 will come from MDE, and
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