FY 2018 Funding Formula Booklet 2_21_18
to SWIB, and .08% to Mississippi Works. For calendar years subsequent to calendar year 2016 (FY 2018 and after), the overall WET fund rate will go down to .20% with .15% going to Workforce Enhancement Training, .01% to SWIB, and .04% to Mississippi Works. Section 3 provides Special fund authority for the Commission on Proprietary School and College Registration, which remained unchanged at $574,386 . Section 4 of S.B. 2963 authorizes the MCCB to have fifty-two (52) permanent full-time positions and one (1) time-limited full-time position, which is no change from the previous year. Section 6 allows the MCCB to carryover up to $1,000,000 in general fund workforce funding. Section 7 states that of the funds appropriated in Sections 1 and 2, $51,063,755 is appropriated for the Workforce Education Program and Industrial Training . Federal Adult
Increased Authority Needed in FY 2018: S.B. 2985 passed during the 2014 Regular Session causing the WET percentage to go down from .22% in FY 14 to .19% in FY 15. The WET fund percentage was .16% in FY 2016. During the 2016 Session, SB 2808 passed creating the Mississippi Works Fund. The overall WET fund percentage will be .24% in FY 2017 with .15% going to Workforce Enhancement Training, .01%
Basic Education funding of $7,927,072 is included in this amount; however, the $28 million authority from the Workforce Enhancement Training Funds makes up a majority of the sum.
Apprenticeship Grant (MDES) $552,500 Apprenticeship Grant (MDES) $100,000 Kellogg Grant (MI-BEST) no change MI-BEST Grant (Women’s Foundation) no change Community Youth Career – Dev. Ctr. Services (DHS) $2,000,000 TANF Partnership (MI-BEST) (DHS) $2,000,000 SmartStart (SWIB) $150,000 SmartStart (Gov. Discretionary) (MDES) $550,000 Total $14,302,500 SNAP (DHS) $100,000 Career/Technical Fees $50,000 Total $150,000 Total New and Increased Authority needed in FY 2018 $14,452,500
remained the same. This overall increase in special fund authority is attributed to the following increases: New Authority Needed in FY 2018: Early Childhood Academy (DHS) $6,000,000 Pregnancy (DHS) $250,000 Complete to Compete (W.K. Kellogg) $1,700,000 National Credential (W. K. Kellogg) $1,000,000
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