HR Newsletters 2020
January \7 Melissa Readus 14 Shelika Hooker 16 Jason Carter 25 Tunga Otis 30 Vernitta Crawford 31 Renitta Cotton
February 4 Marilyn Gardner 5 Dr. Krista LeBrun 5 LaJuna Ivory 12 Megan Akins 13 Dr. Andrea Mayfield 15 Robin Griffith
7 Nikitna Barnes 13 Dr. Tierra Flowers 13 Jeb Stuart 17 Sherriel Rush 21 Veronica Dunning 22 Lisa Bonds 28 Cindy Goodin
Farrah Appleberry
October 15
Want two free movie tickets?? Just answer these questions below. One winner will be selected at random! Answers can be found in this issue!
Renitta Cotton October 15 Vernitta Crawford October 15 Shanudra Forman October 15 Wanda Johnson October 15 Daphne Miller October 15 Shelby Gann October 16 Dr. Erin Eaton January 6 Cindy Goodin January 6 Lauren Stewart February 3
Submit your responses to - no later than Wednes- day, February 5 — 5 pm. Drawing to be held February 7. 1. Make Ready, Aim, ________. (Fill in the blank) 2. What’s the forth option to Move More At Meetings? 3. Will you submit your spotlight story for publication? 4. List a Professional Development Session you would be interest- ed in presenting. 5. What employee did you spot in the WJTV highlight?
TRIVIA ANSWERS 4th Quarter 2019
1. 10 minutes 2. Four weeks—Online 3. October 28, 2019 4. Collaboration
Missy Saxton
If you have not yet met Mr. Felix Fair—please stop by and make his acquaintance. (519-B) Felix will be working with us through our partnership with MDRS for the next 20+ weeks. Fe- lix will be in the office on the following dates: 8:30—12:30 every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Felix is available to offer support across the agency in various aspects. He has a wide range of experience and an interest in learning more and supporting our operations.
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