HR Newsletters 2020

Love in the Workplace

Dr. Krystal Thurman

Beginning March 17, 2020, Dr. Mayfield implemented the remote/telework provision. This provision was set to expire on March 30, 2020 but it had to be extended. In spite of this pandemic, Dr. May- field continues to provide us with updates on pertinent information regarding resources, legislation, community colleges, press conferences, and other subject matters. To assist with the agency’s work- flow, virtual activities are conducted by the appropriate division which include but are not limited to:  2/27/20- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Conference Call (Dr. Paul Byers of the MS Department of Health)  4/2/20- Maintaining Wellness During COVID-19 Webinar (Bronwyn Robertson)  4/8/20- Staff Meeting (Dr. Andrea Mayfield)  4/14/20- Sew What! An MCCB PD (Missy Saxton & Dr. Kimberly Jones)  Providing wellness information and resources  Sharing best practices and resources regarding economic relief provisions, working remote, using Zoom, following safety measures to avoid Zoom Bombing, Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): Pro- tecting the Public from the Current Outbreak webinar hosted by Emory University, ways to help children/students during COVID-19, etc.  Providing mental health resources  Presenting professional development opportunities

 Providing Early Childhood Academy resources and support for children and families  Keeping staff abreast with updates from other state agencies and professional organizations

 Offering CANVAS training for teachers

Creating tutorials for ZOOM

 Implementing a videoconference platform to host meetings

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