HR Newsletters 2020
Love in the Workplace
Dr. Krystal Thurman
Beginning March 17, 2020, Dr. Mayfield implemented the remote/telework provision. This provision was set to expire on March 30, 2020 but it had to be extended. In spite of this pandemic, Dr. May- field continues to provide us with updates on pertinent information regarding resources, legislation, community colleges, press conferences, and other subject matters. To assist with the agency’s work- flow, virtual activities are conducted by the appropriate division which include but are not limited to: 2/27/20- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Conference Call (Dr. Paul Byers of the MS Department of Health) 4/2/20- Maintaining Wellness During COVID-19 Webinar (Bronwyn Robertson) 4/8/20- Staff Meeting (Dr. Andrea Mayfield) 4/14/20- Sew What! An MCCB PD (Missy Saxton & Dr. Kimberly Jones) Providing wellness information and resources Sharing best practices and resources regarding economic relief provisions, working remote, using Zoom, following safety measures to avoid Zoom Bombing, Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): Pro- tecting the Public from the Current Outbreak webinar hosted by Emory University, ways to help children/students during COVID-19, etc. Providing mental health resources Presenting professional development opportunities
Providing Early Childhood Academy resources and support for children and families Keeping staff abreast with updates from other state agencies and professional organizations
Offering CANVAS training for teachers
Creating tutorials for ZOOM
Implementing a videoconference platform to host meetings
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