HR Newsletters 2020

NEWSLETTER CONTRIBUTORS Preparedness and Response to COVID-19 (continued)

Dr. Sheriece Robinson

To ensure safety, Missy Saxton and Dr. Kimberly Jones made masks for staff members, frontline workers, and others in the community that needed them. Due to the availability of essential sup- plies, several staff members offered to share their personal supplies with other staff members that were in need. In light of this global crisis, MCCB continues to collaborate and serve as a resource to colleges, com- munities, and other constituents. As always, we embrace our motto Better Together to fulfill our mission by advancing “the community college system through coordination, support, leadership, and advocacy” (Mississippi Community College Board, 2019).


Carlisle, Zac (2020). Gov. Tate Reeves extends stay-at-home order another week. Retrieved from 569725501.html. Harris, Gerald (2020). Gov. Tate Reeves signs safer-at-home order for Mississippi. Retrieved from mississippi/.

Mississippi Community College Board (2019). Vision, mission, and core values. Retrieved from

Mississippi Emergency Management Agency (2020a). Governor Reeves issues a statewide shel- ter-in-place order. Retrieved from statewide-shelter-in-place-order/. Mississippi Emergency Management Agency (2020b). Governor Reeves declares state of emer- gency due to covid-19. Retrieved from state-of-emergency-due-to-covid-19/.

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