HR Newsletters 2020

F atigue— This one word sums up what many of us are now experiencing. It has been eight long months since our world was flipped on its ears. This month itself has been particularly challenging. But we must- n’t succumb to COVID exhaustion. Although these life modifications have not been easy, our resolve must be to remain safe and regard the safety of others.

How do we overcome the impulse to “forget” about COVID?

Johns Hopkins has provided a few tips to aid in our determination to abide by Coronavirus Safety Measures. 1. Make a commitment. 2. Stay flexible as recommendations change. 3. Practice precautions until they’re second nature. 4. Keep necessary supplies handy. 5. Use stories (experiences) to understand risks and consequences. 6. Give kids some choices. 7. Involve children in keeping families consistent. ____ 8. Develop a new hobby to pass the time. Hobbies have quite possibly been one big help in keeping per- sons grounded these past chaotic months of 2020.

“The most important thing is not to give up.”

Reference: Parish, C, M.A. Ph.D. 2020, August 11) Johns Hopkins Medicine: How to Deal with Coronavirus Burnout and Pan- demic Fatigue: burnout-and-pandemic-fatigue


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