Human Resources Newsletter 4th Quarter_2017
Brooke Doggett Beverlin Givens Birthdays
Sound Bite 10 Ethical Characteristics
October 3 October 7 October 18 November 4 November 6 November 30 December 3 December 12 December 18
Krystal Berry Raul Fletes
Beth Little
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Honesty Integrity Fairness
LaToya Sterling Holly Savorgnan Kim Verneuille Betina Brandon
Concern for Others Respect for Others
Upcoming Events
Law Abiding Trustworthiness Commitment to Excellence
Professional Development Drug Awareness
October 10
Open Enrollment
October 25
Reputation and Morale
10. Accountability
Professional Development Diversity/Equal Opportunity
November 16
Thanksgiving Day Holiday
November 23-24
How can these be put into practice daily?
Christmas Day Holiday
December 25
Wellness Message from Shana Hansen Healthy Employees = Healthy Agency Open Enrollment Period for Active Employees Each October during the annual open enrollment period, an employee may choose to elect coverage for himself and/or his eligible dependent(s). The coverage elected during open enrollment takes effect on January 1 of the following calendar year. An employee may choose either Base Coverage or Select Coverage during open enrollment. If you would like to ENROLL or make CHANGES to your Health Insurance please contact Shana Hansen 601-432-6141 Wednesday October 25, 2017 is open enrollment for MCCB. Milton Walker will be here from 9:00 - until. At this time, you can change or add to any of your of your cafeteria plan deductions or supplemental policies for 2018. (Effective date: January 1, 2018) Also, bring your monthly pay stub with you to the meeting to check all of your current deductions. You can get this from the ACE/DFA website. If you need assistance please let me know. The State and School Employees’ Health Insurance Plan now has a new benefit – online doctor visits! Amwell provides you with a faster, easier way to see a doctor. You can have around-the-clock video visits with a doctor anytime on your smartphone, tablet or computer (webcam). All visits must be real-time video. It’s easy to use, private and secure. And it’s FREE to enroll! Go to and see a doctor now! Enter Service Key MSSEHIP for the new benefit. MORE MCCB Perks! PEANUT BRITTLE Episode: The Tricks to Treats, EA1G13 1 1/2 cups lightly salted, roasted peanuts 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1) In a small bowl combine peanuts, cinnamon, and cayenne. Set aside. Vegetable oil, for coating the saucepan 2) Brush the inside of a medium sized heavy saucepan with vegetable oil. 3 cups sugar 1 1/2 cups water 3) Add the sugar and water to the saucepan, cook over high heat, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon, until it comes to a boil. 4) Stop stirring, cover and cook for 3 minutes. 5) Uncover, reduce heat to medium, and cook until the sugar is a light amber color. 6) Stir in peanuts. This will greatly reduce the temperature of the sugar so work quickly. 7) Once evenly mixed, pour mixture onto a sheet pan lined with a silicone baking mat or buttered parchment paper. Softened butter for spatula 8) Using a buttered spatula, spread thin. You will have to work quickly when pouring out and spreading the mixture in the pan. If necessary, in order to achieve single layer of peanuts, top with second sheet pan whose underside has been buttered. 9) Cool completely and then break into pieces. Difficulty: Medium Prep Time: 10 minutes Inactive Prep Time: 30 minutes Cook Time: 20 minutes Yield: 4 cups Good Eats! Delta State University - Tuition Reduction (NEW!!) Millsaps College – Tuition Discount (NEW!!) Please be available this day if possible to meet with Milton for a few minutes.
Ethics Presenter: Tom Hood
P.O. Box 22746 Jackson, MS 39225-2746 359-1285 (601)
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