MCCB Employee Handbook 2019
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Workplace Guidelines
All employees are expected to arrive on time, ready to work, every day they are scheduled to work. If unable to arrive at work on time, or if an employee will be absent for an entire day, the employee must contact the supervisor as soon as possible.
Section 4: Employee Performance/Grievance Procedure
Title: Standards of Conduct and Performance
Initial Date of Adoption: June 18, 1992
Revision Date: November 19, 1999; May 20, 2016; December 9, 2016
Code Number: 4.1
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The Board staff members are expected to maintain work practices which reflect a commitment to excellence. This commitment should be demonstrated by job performance and compliance with professional standards as established by the policies and codes of ethics described in policies of this manual.
The Board staff work day shall comply with the requirements of state law. The executive director is authorized to establish the most effective work schedule for staff members.
Employee Work Schedules State law requires that all State offices be available to the public for services from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
To provide for maximum flexibility in scheduling employees, the Executive Director may develop modified flexible work schedules.
Attendance Regular attendance is a basic condition of employment with the State of Mississippi and MCCB and shall be considered among the essential elements for all permanent position classifications. All employees must report to and leave work at the time designated by their employers. Anticipated absence from work is to be arranged with the employee’s supervisor in advance, and unexpected absences are to be reported promptly to the employee’s supervisor prior to the beginning of the employee’s work period. Diligence During Work Period All employees must apply themselves to their assigned duties during the full schedule for which compensation is being received, except for reasonable time provided to take care of personal needs.
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