MCCB Employee-Handbook 2020

P a g e | 51

Section 2 – Staff Employment


Title: Pandemic Return To Work Policy

Initial Date of Adoption: June 19, 2020


Revision Date :

Code Number: 2.15

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The Mississippi Community College Board (MCCB) strives to provide a safe and healthy workplace for all employees. Our mission continues to be one of service and support for Mississippi’s community college system and workforce development. This pandemic return to work policy outlines MCCB’s preparedness response for continuity of operations and individual employee responsibility. The health and safety of our employees is our number one priority and we rely on health experts in the development of health and safety standards and responses. Please remain flexible as we navigate a safe return to work. Division directors will establish staggered on -site work schedules for the respective divisions. This preventive measure of staggered schedules will remain in effect until health experts confirm that there is no apparent pandemic health risk to employees.

Office Protocol

Infection Control Measures

MCCB has taken a number of steps to minimize the risk of exposure to and spread of infection in the workplace. As appropriate, MCCB recommends measures that employees can take to protect themselves outside the workplace and encourages all workers to discuss their specific needs with a family physician or other appropriate health or wellness professional. Multiple easy-access sanitizing stations are available on each floor to minimize the transmission of disease before and after use of common areas and meetings.

The required infection control protocol includes:

 Mask Requirement -Bring and wear your personal protective equipment (PPE) – MCCB will issue each staff member two face coverings. Staff are required to wear a face mask and follow social distancing guidelines until there is no apparent pandemic health risk to employees. If PPE has not been provided to you, contact Human Resources. You may bring or make your own following the Center for Disease Control’s guidance. o Staff is required to wear a mask upon entrance to their on-site office location and while occupying common use areas such as the elevator, restroom, and hallways. Staff must also wear masks while performing off-site work-related duties to include monitoring visits.

 Cleaning PPE -Reusable face coverings should be washed daily.

 Hand Hygiene -Practice frequent and thorough hand washing. Use hand sanitizer if unable to wash hands.

Cover coughs and sneezes.

 Handling Visitors -It is advised that all building visitors be scheduled through appointment. Visitors must be made aware to: 1) Wear a mask upon entry to the building, and 2) Be prepared/expect to be temperature screened. o Persons not wearing masks will not be permitted building entry. o Visitors and persons who are ill with fever of 100.4°F/38°C or higher or displaying symptoms will not be permitted building entry.

 MCCB has posted multiple informational posters to encourage and provide instruction on social distancing and proper hygiene practices.

Reporting Employee Illness

MCCB employees who become infected or have been exposed to infected family members or others with whom employees have been in contact are required to stay home and seek medical attention as necessary and appropriate.

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