MCCB Employee-Handbook 2020
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MCCB requires the employee to notify Human Resources and their supervisors as soon as possible if exposure or illness has occurred. At our discretion or the direction of outside authorities, MCCB can require the isolation of any infected employees.
Do not come to the office if you are sick, have fever of 100.4°F/38°C or higher, have infectious disease symptoms, have been around someone with COVID-19 or have reason to believe you may have the virus. Tell your supervisor, stay home, and see your physician.
Complete a self-health check before you leave home.
Temperature Screenings -Expect to be temperature screened – Temperature or symptom screening and daily health checks may be conducted.
Because COVID-19 meets the “direct threat” standard established by ADA and in accordance with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) guidance, employees who have been absent from work due to a COVID-19 diagnosis or exposure must provide a medical certification prior to returning to the workplace. If you have tested positive or been exposed to the COVID-19 disease, you will not be allowed to return to work until after 14 days of the onset of symptoms or exposure. The employee must provide a medical certification prior to returning to the workplace.
Density Control
Maintain a minimum of six feet between you and others, or follow the CDC social distancing guidelines in meetings, elevators, restrooms, and conference rooms. PPE must be worn where separation is not possible. o Limit elevator capacity. o Limit visitations to the offices of co-workers. o Do not gather at copy machines, break rooms, or supply rooms.
Limit restroom density to one person at a time.
Don’t host large gatherings or meetings – Use video-conferencing and minimize large gatherings. If a meeting must occur in person, follow face covering, hand hygiene, and social distancing guidelines.
Minimize business-related carpool and public transport – Avoid public transit or carpooling except when possible. If carpool/public transit is necessary, it’s recommended you practice social distancing, wash/sanitize your hands, and wear face coverings. All employees who select to carpool must sign a MCCB Vehicle Occupancy Waiver.
According to MCCB travel policy, all work related travel must be approved prior to travel. On-site and off-site meetings may be eliminated, limited to few participants, or restructured as a virtual/online meeting.
Employees are required to wear PPE to perform work related duties which occur at a location outside of MCCB.
Travel is prohibited for any employee exhibiting any recognized COVID-19 symptoms and/or is diagnosed with COVID-19.
Reporting/Contact Tracing
MCCB requires employees to complete the Daily Log in SmartSheet as a record for contact tracing purposes. o Staff must complete the work-site location Daily Log using the Smartsheet. Failure to do so, means the employee is on leave.
In the event an employee reports a diagnoses or exposure, Human Resources will contact employees identified in the Daily Log report for that period of exposure.
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