MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
2005 – June Distance Learning Coordinator’s Association Wednesday, June 22, 2005 Minutes
A meeting of the Distance Learning Coordinator’s Association was held on Wednesday, June 22, 2005 in the Conference Room at the Library at Hinds community college Raymond campus Attendance was as follows:
Leitha Richards
Copiah Lincoln
Laura Lofton
East Central
Katie Sparkman, Terri Windham and Donna Luke
East Mississippi
Andrea Scott
Curtis Kynard and Audra Leverton
Tish Stewart
Itawamba Meridian
Hubert Yates and Taurus Satterwhite
Mississippi Delta
Jackie Bailey-Hall
Mississippi Gulf Coast
Jennifer Wamsley
Northwest Pearl River Southwest
Phyllis Johnson
Alicia Shows
Audra Kimble, Beverlin Givens,
CALL TO ORDER. Andrea Scott called the meeting to order at 10:10am.
Director's report a. Discussed D2L batch upload and possible July workshop for DLC’s on management of D2L. b. Assessment fee for each college based on enrollment will be determined Friday June 24. It will be determined by adding the number of students taking hosted courses and provided courses minus “never attended” withdrawals. c. We discussed possible proposal to amend the MOA/ policies procedures manual with regard to attachment B: “All participating colleges must make 100% of all credit MSVCC courses, for which they have program approval and accreditation, available for students during registration. This may be achieved by publishing the website of MSVCC,, in the college catalog and on its printed college schedules, and by adding a link of the complete course listing to the college’s website.” d. Discussed a 2 day meeting in July. One day for the DLC meeting to discuss August start up issues (wont meet in august) and the workshop on DLC management of D2L and for day 2 a workshop on “10 ways to keep your online students” for faculty who wish to attend. A request for proposal for a new learning management system has been issued.
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