MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
e. Discussed the Instructor Training Course for certification. Would like to use our own resources. Colleges with modules, or training components or etc are encouraged to share in the creation of the training modules for online faculty. Discussed having a 3 level course. (beginner, intermediate and advanced). Ms Kimble asked that we make a list of outcomes for teachers taking the certification course so that we can plan the modules. How will we assess these outcomes? f. Still trying to decide who will be paid to teach the online faculty certification course. g. Held elections: Nominations for VP were Jennifer Wamsley and Jennifer Leimer. h. The new officers are: president: Andrea Scott, Vice president: Jennifer Wamsley and Secretary is Jennifer Leimer. i. Ms. Kimble made comments regarding the demonstration of virtual labs for science courses held at PRCC on June 13 and June 14 at Holmes, Grenada. j. Ms. Kimble announced that a new seminar for instructors of similar disciplines will be held for a "Sharing of Best Practices" at Copiah Lincoln Community College in September. k. The afternoon session included Insite training. Topic of the Day a. Possible proposal to revise item(s) listed in MOA/ MSVCC policies & procedures manual b. The afternoon session included Insite training.
Future Meetings TBA: 2 day meeting in late July
Adjournment 1:00pm to attend Insite Training
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