MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
vii. Vendors 1. READI has contacted Ms. Kimble again. Ms. Kimble would like to know if the association would like to look further into using a pre-assessment tool for test online student readiness. Ms. McCrimon recommended that we table this discussion until the fall. Members agreed. 2. Clear Txt is a building block that allows text messaging from blackboard to students' cellular phones. Association members did not express an interest in using Clear Txt at this time. viii. Quality Matters 1. Detailed evaluation tool for evaluating online courses. Visit for additional information. Ms. Kimble encouraged members who are writing modules to look at this. This might be something that we implement after faculty members have gone through training. ix. Student Drop Survey 1. Ms. Kimble mentioned that the Florida Virtual College uses a survey for students who drop. 2. Ms. McCrimon mentioned that MSU uses a system that contacts students who are reported by instructors as non-attending. Ms. McCrimon would like to see the MSVCC work on increasing retention. As part of this, increasing quality in courses is essential. Ms. McCrimon reminded members that IHL is still fighting the acceptance of lab courses and the MSVCC needs to make quality a priority to combat this. Tish Stewart asked Ms. McCrimon to send the association members the rubric that ICC uses to evaluate courses. 3. Mark Smith would like to see the enrollment tool include more information about reasons for withdrawals so that colleges can more accurately measure retention. Mr. Smith inquired whether institutions provide "canned" courses. Most said no. x. MS. BUG 1. Monday, January 30 at 9am 2. The MECA Conference will be held January 30 - February 1 3. Both conferences will be held at the Jackson Hilton xi. Creating Futures Through Technology Conference 1. March 22-24 2. Tunica 3. Proposals-applications to present are due by January 15 xii. Training modules should be complete by February 1. Please post your module to blackboard in the community tab by February 1. The plan is to have the instructional designer work on formatting the course in March and April. The association members will review May 1 - 19 and start the first course on June 5 and will end on July 28. The creators of each module will facilitate the course for the first time. The original students will become the facilitators. Each section will have multiple facilitators. DLCs should start announcing the need for facilitators to faculty members. Applications and resumes for facilitators should be submitted to Audra Kimble by March 1. Pay and other specifics still need to be determined. B. Jackie Bailey-Hall: Off campus proctor request forms i. Members discussed different ways of handling off-campus proctor request forms. C. Audra Leverton: Removal of students from BB or D2L after drop/add (MSVCC Roster comparison to BB or D2L list by instructors and reporting of discrepancies) i. Please remind instructors to "Block Access" to courses rather than removing students from a course when they drop or withdraw students.
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