MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
D. Janice Poole: Goal of MSVCC and classes requiring on campus work i. The association discussed that according to the MSVCC goal statement, no online class can require students to come to a particular campus to complete coursework other than proctored exams. E. Andrea Scott: Missing faculty credentials and online classes i. Ms. Scott would like to see more faculty credentials added to MSVCC. ii. Ms. Kimble added that faculty should get their syllabi loaded in MSVCC as well. There are still some issues with loading the syllabus into the one field. A suggestion is to make sure the syllabus is less than 7,500 characters (including spaces) and save the file as a plain text file then copy and paste the text into MSVCC. i. Ms. McCrimon would like to have an option added to the Instructor's roster to show a checkmark (or some indicator) that students have completed the survey. This would not show the instructor the results of the survey, just that the survey has been completed. ii. Alicia Shows wanted to go on record again to say that the process of adding courses to the local offerings is still too slow. Members agreed. iii. Ms. Kimble reminded users that Mr. Burnett will address enrollment tool changes on a semester basis. B. Proctored Tests i. Ms. McCrimon would like to have the special requirements and permitted materials show automatically and not as links in the proctor exam database. Other A. Enrollment Tool
Future Meetings A. Tuesday, February 7 th 10am SBCJC.
Adjournment 12:35pm
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