MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
b. Blackboard 6 Migration Status – Mr. Pugh The Blackboard migration began August 5, 2003. It is estimated that the migration will be completed within 5 days.
c. Enrollment Tool Enhancements Update – Mr. Pugh
a. The new report listing students alphabetically has been developed and has been loaded on the test server to be evaluated. b. The ghost course problem is currently being examined and a fix will likely be implemented in Spring 2004. c. Beginning in Spring 2004 the Local drop list of the Local Course Offering page will be automatically cleared. d. Mr. Burnett is researching what course of action to take to either remove the course name/number from the Master drop list of the Local Course Offering page or to change the color of the course name/number once the course has been added to the Local list. e. Creating an archive section of past semester is still under review. f. Jason will provide access to all DLC’s to evaluate changes to the enrollment tool when they have been created. The evaluation period will normally be 30 days. d. MSVCC Work Group Recommendation Status – Mr. Smith Mr. Smith read the recommendations made by the MSVCC work group to Dr. Garner on August 5, 2003. Ms. McCrimon did an outstanding job chairing and writing the recommendation package. a. Reduction of the add/drop period. General discussion about the add/drop period for the online courses occurred and it was determined that the add/drop period will be shorten to two days beginning with the Spring 2004 semester. Mr. Pugh will update the MSVCC calendar. It was also identified that the Summer semester of 8 weeks is too short. All DLC’s in coordination with Mr. Pugh will review subsequent Summer calendars to determine if one or two weeks can be added to the semester. The reduction of the add/drop period to two days will ease this problem a little. Changes to the add/drop period, calendar changes, and submission of calendars will follow the MSVCC policy of approval by the academic deans and college presidents. NEW BUSINESS.
b. New DLC’s, Jennifer Leimer, MGCCC and Janice Poole, PRCC were introduced to the association.
c. SBCJC Organizational Change – Mr. Pugh
Mr. Pugh outlined the new SBCJC organizational changes. The office of Distance Education which has been traditionally directly under the agency executive director will move under the direction of the programs division of the agency effective September 1, 2003. This move should strengthen the MSVCC collaboration and not have a major impact on the colleges.
d. Online Grade Submissions – Mr. Pugh
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