MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
Mr. Burnett is currently working on the function to submit grades using the enrollment tool. This task is expected to be completed in time for Spring 2004, however it may be in place for the Fall 2003 semester. e. ListServ or Discussion Board – Mr. Smith Mr. Smith led the discussion about having an MSVCC wide ListServ or discussion board for the online faculty. Mr. Pugh will establish an Organization in Blackboard that will provide the capability to us the discussion board function for all instructors. The DLC’s, Mr. Pugh, and Ms. Givens will be responsible for moderating the discussion board on a monthly rotating basis. Mr. Kynerd inquired about the possibility of providing professional development credit for participation in the discussion forums. This area will need to be researched. ANGEL and Trivantis – Mr. Smith Mr. Smith asked if the association was interested in either of these companies conducting demonstrations of their products at one of the DLC meetings. Mr. Blackburn will research the possibility of CyberLearning Labs presenting their ANGEL product at the next DLC meeting. g. Tour of MCC Test Proctoring Facilitiy – Mr. Yates Mr. Yates conducted a tour of the MCC test proctoring facility. He explained how MCC obtained funding for the project and personnel. He also demonstrated the software used for scheduling the lab. h. Strategic Planning – Mr. Smith Mr. Smith led a brainstorming session of how the association should proceed with strategic planning. Mr. Pugh provided valuable insight into what areas the association may need to focus. General discussion ensued identifying many areas that need to be considered. Areas discussed were: best practices, test proctoring, statewide training, cost plans associated with projects, and course quality. This discussion led to the identification of the following five goals for the association. f.
a. Training
b. Technology
c. Quality
d. Support
e. Administration
Mr. Pugh will establish a Blackboard Organization for the DLC’s for the purpose of brainstorming each of these goals. The ideas generated in these brainstorming forums will be discussed at the next DLC meeting.
MSVCC Mission Statement: Mission: The mission of the Mississippi Virtual Community College is to provide educational opportunities to constituencies who live within the various community and
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