MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
i. John carter asked if DLCs reset tests. Most DLCs leave it to the instructor for the course to reset a test; however, in situations where the instructor cannot be reached, DLCs will sometimes reset tests if adequate verification of the proctor’s identity has been obtained. ii. Tish Stewart asked how many DLCs use adjunct instructors. Most DLCs use adjunct instructors. Tish mentioned that Holmes pays instructors to develop courses and has instructors sign document stating that the college owns the content in the course. Tish Stewart asked members to refrain from hiring Brian Zimmerman to teach for them until some problems with this instructor are resolved. iii. Andrea Scott asked how many overloads instructors are allowed to teach at schools. Most allow only two overloads, but it varies from school to school. iv. Jackie Bailey-Hall asked if DLCs have specific procedures for approving off-campus proctors. A general discussion about approving off-campus proctors occurred. Dr. McCrimon reminded members that the host college is responsible for approving off- campus proctors for their students. v. All course information including textbook information should be updated in the enrollment tool by October 23 rd in preparation for registration. If a course is not ready, please set the available seats to zero so that other schools do not pull the course into their offerings.
Future Meeting a. November 9, 2006 SBCJC 10am.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:40pm.
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