MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
2006 – December Distance Learning Coordinator’s Association December 5, 2006 Minutes
Attendance was as follows:
Coahoma Community College Copiah Lincoln Community College East Central Community College East Mississippi Community College Hinds Community College Holmes Community College Itawamba Community College
Laura Lofton
Chris Jenkins and Katie Sparkman James McMullin and Andrea Scott
Audra Leverton
Absent Absent Absent
Jones Junior College
Meridian Community College
Taurus Satterwhite Jackie Bailey-Hall
Mississippi Delta Community College Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Northeast Mississippi Community College Northwest Mississippi Community College
Jennifer Leimer
Absent Absent
Pearl River Community College
Janice Poole
Southwest Mississippi Community College State Board for Junior and Community Colleges
Audra Kimble and Beverlin Givens
Consortium Issues a. Dates
i. Assessment figures will be pulled on February 2, 2007 (the third Friday of the semester). The assessment fee is 12.50 per enrollment. ii. Since the Spring 2007 semester starts on a holiday, drop/add will continue through Wednesday, January 18, 2007 iii. No shows should be reported to DLCs by Wednesday, January 31, 2007 b. Purging Dates i. Blackboard and D2L student data along with ET proctored exam passwords for the Fall 2006 semester will be purged on December 18-20. c. Archive Problems i. Ms. Kimble would like DLCs to compile a list of archive problems and report back to her by Monday, December 11 by 4pm d. BB Certified Online Course i. Members agreed that the course was good ii. MSVCC will pay for one more person from each college to go through the Certified Online Course. The course would start February 5 th following the same schedule as last time: three two week courses with a week off in between. Ms. Kimble will send an email requesting names of participants. e. MSVCC Training Course i. Kim Harris and Elizabeth Spooner will create the Assessment module of the MSVCC training course.
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