MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
junior college districts in Mississippi and to others beyond those boundaries. The mission includes providing access to instructional offerings through advanced technologies for those individuals who currently cannot take advantage of the offerings of the community and junior college through traditional means and to those individuals who are seeking alternative educational delivery systems. V. FUTURE MEETINGS. Mr. Blackburn and Mr. Pugh are working to set up the next DLC meeting at the MAC conference in October. Mr. Pugh will set up an alternate location if the meeting cannot be held at the conference.
a. Mr. Pugh will provide access to all DLC’s to access the enrollment tool test server.
b. Mr. Pugh will update the MSVCC calendar to reflect two days for the add/drop period.
c. Mr. Pugh will establish an organization in Blackboard for the faculty.
d. Mr. Blackburn will look into the possibility of CyberLearning Labs conducting a presentation at the next DLC meeting.
e. Mr. Pugh will establish an organization in Blackboard for the DLC’s to brainstorm ideas about the association goals.
f. Mr. Blackburn and Mr. Pugh will set up the location for the next DLC meeting.
VII. ADJOURNMENT. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:00 p.m.
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