MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
a. Quality Review sub-committee i. Ellene McCrimon * ii. Audra Leverton iii. Margaret Dixon iv. PRCC b. Best Practices sub-committee i. Elizabeth Spooner ii. Kim Harris iii. Jenniffer Newell *
4. Support (Laura Lofton – Chair)
a. Building Blocks & Vendors sub-committee i. Laura Lofton * ii. Chris Jenkins iii. Phyllis Johnson b. Proctoring sub-committee
i. Katie Sparkman * ii. Buffy Matthews
iii. Jennifer James iv. Kim Steinman 5. Administration (Tish Stewart – Chair)
a. Policies & Procedures sub-committee i. John Carter ii. Tish Stewart * iii. Alicia Shows iv. PRCC v. Ellene McCrimon
g. Proctored Exam Passwords i. Jennifer Leimer will send the draft proctor confidentiality agreement to members of the proctoring sub-committee so that the association can move forward on developing a contract for proctors to assign (along with the proctor’s supervisor). Audra Leverton has an agreement that she provides to her instructors about proctored testing policies (changing passwords each term, password guidelines, number of proctored exams etc.) h. A general discussion about withdrawal procedures and attendance policies occurred. The policies and procedures committee will look into this and redefine the MSVCC attendance policy as it relates to processing withdrawal/drops/cutouts etc. Members agreed that an MSVCC policy relating to what is considered “substantial participation” should be developed. i. Archiving problems should be submitted to Marilyn Gardner/Beverlin Givens by Monday, May 7 th . Please send one list of courses with problems archiving per school. List the course ID ONLY in one column of an Excel spreadsheet. j. A committee has met to discuss integrating local student information systems with the MSVCC enrollment tool. Audra Leverton stated that Russell Wood mentioned that a program has been found that would integrate with ET and it is a Microsoft product. No other report is available at this time. k. In fiscal year 2008, MSVCC students will be funded solely on FTE rather than a mix between head count/FTE. Audra Kimble distributed a handout that explains the proposed funding formula for hosted/provided students for part-time students only.
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