MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
Consortium Issues a. Training
i. MSVCC Course 1. Reviewers were commended for the work that they have done on the course. 2. Audra Kimble provided a demonstration of the course and Kim Harris discussed some of the changes that were made: most noteworthy is that the course was changed from a 9-week course to a 6-week course. 3. Audra Kimble reminded members that there would be one facilitator for each six week course. 4. Members agreed to serve as the first pilot group this summer. The term will start June 11th and will run for 6 weeks, ending July 20 th . 5. Tish Stewart expressed a concern that members would not see both platforms since students will see both. Members agreed that a virtual tour for both platforms should be added to lesson 1. 6. Members discussed what facilitators will be paid to teach the certification course. Most agreed that $500 was a good amount to pay facilitators for each 6-week course. 7. Each school will be allowed to send 1 person for each course offering so that there is a maximum of 15 in each course. 8. A discussion about whether or not a new shell will be created for each instructor for this course. Audra recommended that the training be provided i. May 4 – Grades due for condensed term (grade form turned off at 5pm) ii. June 1 – Summer registration ends/batch upload begins iii. June 4 – Summer term begins iv. June 20 – 22 Deans Meeting in Biloxi v. June 20 – Submit No shows to other DLCs vi. June 22 – Pull assessment count. The fee is $12.50 for summer. In the fall, the fee will go to $15. vii. June 28 – 29 Registrar’s meeting viii. July 13 – Last day student can withdraw from online course with a W ix. July 27 – Summer grades due c. Future MSVCC Calendar i. Audra Kimble presented a proposed MSVCC calendar for Spring 2007 – Spring 2010. Members were asked to review the calendar by Friday, May 4. This proposed calendar will be submitted to the Academic Deans association calendar committee next week for approval. d. Blackboard World i. Boston, MA ii. July 9 – 12 iii. Registration is approximately $750, rooms are approximately $250, and flights are approximately, $500. e. Desire2Learn User’s Conference on the BB staging server. New shells will be created for each attendee. Courses will be recycled (emptied) after a specified time when the course ends. ii. RCU online professional development 1. Audra Kimble provided a copy of the training schedule provided by the Research & Curriculum Unit. ( b. Important Dates
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