MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
Are domain calculations actually being run every four hours? It takes two days for a created class to appear, so probably not. We need to check with Blackboard concerning the override for e-mail addresses for faculty. With a growing history of users, e-mail overrides will soon be a big problem for students. In a previous DLC meeting, it was agreed that schools will make decisions about canceling classes due to low enrollment by Friday at noon before the first day of class. That deadline was not adhered to by many schools this semester. Christian Pruett read from the policies and procedures manual that stated that a school had to contact the state board before canceling a class. The DLC Association will ask the presidents to change that statement in the policies and procedures manual to account for the noon on Friday deadline. After that time, the state board will need to be notified of cancellations. The deans will be made aware of this proposed change at their meeting next week in Natchez. Because of the amount of customization involved in our “brand” of Blackboard, we can expect to have snapshot issues with all upgrades of Blackboard. Although Blackboard waited too long to begin the upgrade process, not all the problems are Blackboard’s. Roger and Usha can handle issues more quickly than Wade and Stacey, so contact them first with Blackboard problems. The known workaround for the Grade Center problems did not work for us. We should be hearing soon from Blackboard. SBCJC will work with Blackboard to schedule calls with individual colleges to work out individual problems. The software “Turn It In” will not allow classes to be turned on and off as to availability. Some of the colleges have purchased this software, but all colleges have access until January. The building blocks committee will consider the options associated this software. The association made some changes to the suggested committee list. The revised list will be sent to all members. Only a few members will be attending Bb World. The reference to an e-mail on the confirmation screen of self-registration will be removed. Ive will add a place at the top for schools to display an individual message at the top of the self- registration screen. Four schools have a required orientation. Hybrid courses were briefly discussed. Will SEBUG happen? Mississippi State is leaning toward canceling due to lack of presenters. The association will investigate the purchase of identity theft insurance. Terry Pollard gave a report of the Presidium visit. The deadline for applying for the AT&T grant in English, social science, and business instructors has been extended until the end of July. The teaching effectively online instructor course is currently under revision. The next class should start some time in June. Terry will contact everyone. Tish Stewart was elected vice-president and Buffy Matthews was elected secretary for 2008-09. The meeting was adjourned. Christian Pruett conducted the state board business. Other items discussed by the members were:
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