MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
Jennifer Leimer discussed the possibility of developing a more robust evaluation tool at the state level for online courses. This tool could be a standard list of things that DLCs should check in all online courses, such as retention rates, communication between the instructor and students, etc. Then have a separate tool for department chairs or deans. In the process of looking at this idea, she has reviewed several different websites of other schools with online programs. Dr. Jenkins added that this would assist in the removal of courses that are not meeting the criteria. Terry Pollard stated that we may also want to look at technological solutions. PROCTOR CONTACT INFORMATION a) Buffy Matthews provided the group with an MSVCC Contact Listing, which provides contact information for all DLC offices as well as proctor contact information. The spreadsheet was compiled by Jennifer James last fall. As part of the proctoring committee Buffy felt that it was important to keep this information updated once or twice a year. She asked that each college review the information and notify her of any changes and/or additions. She will distribute the updated information via email to the group and will update this on our community site. Audra Leverton added that all proctors should be signing the proctor confidentiality agreement, which is included with our off- campus proctor form. VENDOR UPDATE b) Jennifer Powell provided handouts on TurnItIn. The first handout provided included facts from TurnItIn. The other was a PDF compilation from a company that looked at various products such as TurnItIn. The compilation rated the various companies and products. TurnItIn ranked the highest out of all of the products researched. Tish Stewart has been working on the DLC Policies and Procedures as well as the Strategic Plan. We will be updating the Policies and Procedures Manual during the DLC Boot Camp in October. Last year we decided to update the Strategic Plan and Policies and Procedures Manual on a rotating annual basis. ii. She provided all colleges with a DLC Association Binder. This binder is a compilation of MSVCC Calendar, Contact Information, DLC Meeting Agenda/Minutes, DLC Manual, Bb Manual, D2L Manual, Policies & Procedures Manual, and Strategic Plan. The binder should be brought to each DLC meeting to include handouts, etc. The binder can also be passed down to new DLCs that enter the association. We are currently working on updating the DLC Manual that Andrea Scott created, and hope to have that available for the August meeting. iii. Please review the Strategic Plan document and notify Tish of any changes. ii.
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