MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
Tish Stewart asked if someone in the association could take charge of the community site in Bb. DLCs pull from this site quite often and some of the information is out of date. Julia Parker volunteered to update the community site and will work with Terry Pollard.
Jennifer Leimer discussed the structure change of the DLC meetings. A time will be specified each meeting for Blackboard and Desire2Learn issues or administration. The time will be blocked so that you can notify your Bb administrators to at that portion of the meeting. Today we blocked off the morning for the Bb web conference. In the future we would like to do the learning management system discussion in the afternoon. ii. All colleges received a binder from Tish that included the MSVCC Calendar, Contact Listing, DLC Agenda/Minutes, DLC Manual, Bb Manual, D2L Manual, Policies & Procedures, and Strategic Plan. Please bring these binders with you to each meeting, as we will provide information for you on a regular basis. iii. The meeting agenda will be sent out beforehand so that you all are aware of what will be discussed and can add items to the agenda. iv. Jennifer asked that the association provide input on what can make these meetings more efficient and effective. Alicia Shows stated that the President’s Association was meeting to look at ways to save money. They will be looking at ways to consolidate meetings and conduct meetings using CCN rooms. This may be something that the DLC meeting needs to look at in the future. We could possibly hold face-to-face meeting every other month and conduct teleconference meetings for the remainder of the meetings. MSVCC upgraded to Desire2Learn 8.3 in May of this year. In order to access the classes in Desire2Learn, you and your students will need Internet Explorer 7 or Mozilla Firefox. They can also use Macintosh Safari. ii. The Desire2Learn users conference will be in Memphis, TN July 21-July 23. iii. Jennifer Leimer provided the group with several handouts for D2L use: (1) DLCs Guide to Getting Started, (2) User Management, and (3) Course Management. These handouts include screenshots of each of the tools that you may need to assist your students taking D2L courses. Jennifer and Buffy will provide DLC training in Desire2Learn at the October Bootcamp.
b. D2L UPDATE i.
Terry Pollard asked to table this discussion until the August meeting.
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