MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
strategic plan. Mr. Pugh suggested that a work committee be formed to present the strategic plan. Dr. Garner would like the strategic plan completed by May, 2004.
Mark Smith asked for names to be submitted of individuals to serve on the strategic planning work committee. These individuals need to be experts from the following areas: Institutional Research, Students Services, and Computer Center.
b. Enrollment Tool i.
Mr. Pugh thanked everyone for their cooperation and patience concerning the start of the semester and the problems with Blackboard.
Mr. Pugh announced that the enhancements in the enrollment tool were complete and ready for testing. He also reminded everyone that the test database is contained on Mr. Burnett’s laptop and may not always be available. To test the Database Production Tool log on to: . The following enhancements have been made: New Report: Student Listing Report 1. Build Local Course Offerings: Local course offerings will begin blank, all local courses must be built into local listing. Once the courses have been built into the local listing they should disappear from the Master List 2. Ghost Courses: The “Mark Course as Unavailable” check boxes no longer exist. For exact classes you wish to teach from one semester to next, check the “Assign to:” check box. 3. Grade Submission Tool: a. Three levels of rights: Instructor, Registrar, DLC b. Once the grades have been submitted by the instructor, the grades can be accessed by the host college through the Enrollment Tool. c. The Grade Submission Tool function will be available to Instructors beginning 8:00 a.m. on the Monday of the last week of online classes. The grade submission function will be discontinued at 5:00 p.m. Friday of the last week for online classes. d. Any grade changes submitted after the grade submission function has been turned off will be accomplished using the traditional Change of Grade forms.
c. Blackboard Organization for DLCs and Instructors- This item is currently on hold. d. Add/Drop Period i.
Jason Pugh announced that the Drop/Add period will change to a 2 day period for Spring, 2004.
New Business a. Enrollment Tool Enhancement Request i.
Mark Smith asked about the possibility of an automatic copy feature for creating a new course section. ii. Curtis Kynerd requested an instruction manual for the Enrollment Tool. iii. After reviewing the new Enhancements to the Enrollment Tool, the following requests were made: 1. New Report:
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