MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
a. Include: Host college, grade, semester class was taken b. Remove: Telephone number and e-mail address 2. Protect the top of the Grade Submission form for DLC use only 3. Automatically populate the Grade Submission form with Ws and LDAs; Only DLCs will have override abilities of the automatic grade of W 4. In listing of final grades through the Enrollment Tool, DLCs can see every grade in every class 5. DLCs would like to be able to view grades for a three semesters through the Enrollment Tool iv. Drop-down list of courses be reordered by sorting course numbers rather than Instructor names v. Request for “pop-up” alert if spaces or special characters are used in data entry during registration vi. Request that dashes be removed from SSNs in the Student Listing vii. Mr. Kynerd, Ms. Wamsley, and Ms. Young agreed to serve on a committee to identify what areas of the enrollment tool need to be preserved for archive purposes and in what format. Mr. Kynerd will serve as the committee chair. b. Spring, 2004 Build i. Mr. Pugh asked that review of the Enrollment Tool Enhancements be completed by October 1, 2003 ii. Mr. Pugh requested all Spring, 2004 courses be built by October 16, 2003 c. Blackboard Problems and Options i. Jason Pugh reported that the executives of Blackboard agreed that there were failures in our migration. They reported to Mr. Pugh that failures had also occurred with another migration of this magnitude. ii. Three key issues were discussed with Blackboard 1. Failure of the migration – Blackboard responded with “these things can happen any time a migration occurs.” 2. Servers and infrastructure - No prior testing on setups as large as ours - one other larger organization had similar problems 3. Breach of contract with maintaining the service iii. Blackboard offered to implement a parallel system 6.011. Mr. Pugh agreed to this but as of Wednesday, September 17, 2003, he had no response as to the details of this implementation. iv. After discussion of the experience of the migration and the possibilities of the future of MSVCC, the DLCs agreed to stay with Blackboard for the time being. a. Mr. Pugh advised the DLCs to visit with their college Presidents to alert them of the desire of the group to maintain Blackboard as the MS Virtual Community College platform. b. Discussion about the prospect of MSVCC hosting our own Blackboard server transpired – Further research in this area need to occur and will be included in the strategic planning process. Mary Hanson, East Central, asked about the possibility of giving an LDA of never attended to ECCC students due to the refund policy at ECCC. It was agreed that once a student enters a course site, the student must be issued an actual LDA. The LDA is determined by the information contained in the Course Statistics tool in Blackboard. ii. Ms. Wamsley inquired into the prospect of developing an MSVCC wide withdrawal form for passing information between colleges – This item requires further study. d. LDA determination process i.
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