MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
e. Evaluation of Hosted Courses i.
Audra Kimble, Holmes, asked about the process of Hosted Course evaluations. The group was reminded to use the approved MSVCC form for evaluating hosted courses. Margaret Britt, Copiah-Lincoln, suggested that we secure textbook publisher’s permission to scan copies of textbooks into course sites when students are awaiting copies of their textbooks. This was agreed upon as a solution to prevent students from falling behind in their course work. ii. It was recommended that the current textbook committee be disbanded and a new textbook committee formed to resolve current textbook issues. This item will be discussed in greater detail at the October DLC meeting.
Textbooks i.
g. Evaluation of Enrollment Tool Enhancements i. Discussion included in Old Business h. Technical Support Responsibility i.
Hubert Yates, Meridian, encouraged all DLCs to be alert to student problems and helpful to student requests.
MSVCC Communication Process i.
Hubert Yates, Meridian, emphasized that communication between MSVCC colleges should occur between the DLCs.
j. Angel Demonstration-Cyber LearningLabs i.
Renee Brochhagen and Dave Mills gave an informative demonstration of the Angel platform for distance learning. 1. To secure a 30 day account: a. Log on to: b. Renee followed up with an email reminding us of the trial account option and stated that the 30 day can be extended upon request.
VI. Future Meetings a. A meeting of the Distance Learning Coordinators was planned for Wednesday, October 15, 2003, 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., SBCJC Fifth Floor Conference Room, Jackson, MS. VII. Adjournment There will be no further business; the meeting was adjourned at 3:15 p.m.
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