MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

Scott set the association up with a central desktop email account. Please use this email account if you have any questions/concerns.

b. ID Field in Enrollment Tool – Audra Leverton. This topic has been discussed in the past; however, when we discussed we had decided not to move to the Alternate ID Field due to all schools moving to student IDs. HINDS is requesting that we add an alternate ID field to the Enrollment Tool. The alternate ID would not be necessary for everyone to use, but can be tied to that student’s account. At this time HINDS does not have student IDs. Those that use self enrollment are required to use the student ID, not their SSN. If we decide to move to this, we would need to ensure that self enrollment only have the student ID field. Presently Blackboard ID is using the HINDS ID number; however, the SIS uses the SSN. This causes difficulties in resolving issues that arise. Christian stated that he would discuss this possibility with Ive. c. Handling “Incomplete” Grades – Tish Stewart. Would like to know how to handle incomplete grades between MSVCC colleges. Typically we give the student a grade of I in MSVCC so that they are not marked as inactive. The instructor will then need to go in and activate the course at the beginning of the next semester so that the student can access the course and complete the necessary assignments. Because of the way that snapshot works, the student will still be marked as “active” based on the last snapshot sent up from the previous semester. The only time that this would be an issue is if a school withdrew the student from MSVCC. The withdrawal would make the student’s account inactive disabling their ability to access the course during the future term. d. Withdrawal Procedures – Jackie Bailey-Hall. We previously discussed having a central location for each schools withdrawal procedures. The information located on the community site is a year old. Please look at this information and make any necessary changes. Email all changes to Julia Parker so that she can update the information on the community site. Holly asked if something could be added to the Enrollment Tool so that during the cutout they are only able to provide a W. Some schools have to assign F’s. The students see the withdrawal on their student profile, and feel as though they have been formally withdrawn from the course. Some schools require that they complete further paperwork for withdrawal purposes. Phyllis suggested that they give the student an Inactive (I) status in the enrollment tool and then provide them with a grade of an F on the final grade list. Jennifer asked that the ET committee look at this to see if we can identify a better way for those that need to be dropped by the course instructor and receive a grade of F at the end of the term. That way the MSVCC and SIS match. She would also like to add the LDA as part of the Inactive (I) status in the Enrollment Tool.

e. Vendor Showcase Discussion from Boot Camp – Christian Pruett. i.

Starfish. Christian has spoken with David Yaskin about the possibility of conducting a pilot program for MSVCC. In order for this to work it would have to be integrated into


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