MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

Bb. That is the only way to complete the cutoffs for contacting a counselor when the student falls behind. SBCJC will need to complete a letter to the MACJC Presidents to see how they would like to handle this. Christian will need a list of any school who would be interested in participating in the pilot program with Starfish. Each department, instructor, and division creates competencies with thresholds that will send up information to the counselors for those student’s that fall behind. This will provide access to the counselors to access Bb to see where the students are experiencing the problems. There are some FERPA issues that will need to be worked out beforehand. Starfish is FERPA certified. Jennifer Leimer mentioned that the newest version of D2L has a feature available for notification. John Baker presented this information to us during the DLC Boot Camp in November. She mentioned that we would like to consider upgrading our D2L server in December. She will email the association to get approval on the upgrade and possible dates. f. Using/Deploying Respondus – Terry Pollard and Christian Pruett. Provided the group with a handout on Respondus. About a month ago we provided a link in Bb for each school to download and install Respondus on local computers, labs, etc. There are three different options for installing Respondus. The Bb module provides you instructions for downloading both the test generator as well as the lockdown browser. We may be able to re-word the student document. Both tools are available for use. All instructions are included on the handout and on the Bb module. Have someone on your campus to designate for your support contact. Should have a dropdown menu that has you pick the URL that you use to authenticate Bb. g. Presidium i. Introduction of new knowledge expert – Patrick Garayta. Patrick introduced Shanna Vidal who will also be working on the MSVCC account. She will be working with the communication between MSVCC, Blackboard, and call center personnel. Presidium would like to do a better job with communicating with the group and bring the relationship to a partnership level. Bring this to a partnership level. Patrick provided us with the PowerPoint presentation which will be sent via email to the association. ii. December 9 th Presidium would like for two DLCs to travel to Kentucky. Would periodically like to send DLCs up there to meet with the actual team that handles MSVCC and also see how the call center works. We would like to provide them training and provide updates. iii. SIMS, New Presidium Simulation Software maps out CSR s step-by step instructions based on the questions they ask the student. Provides them with a script as well as next steps. This will decrease the amounts of mistakes that a CSR can make. Will be a much more efficient process. Will have this implemented prior to the start of spring term. If you see additional vendors that you are interested in, please bring those to the attention of SBCJC for future research and communication.


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