MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

decision trees which will prompt CSRs with what information they need for each and every school. This will help to increase accuracy and efficiency of those calls received. SIMS will be deployed by the end of the week in preparation for courses beginning on Monday, January 19 th . Christian and Patrick will be speaking each day next week to resolve any current issues. DLCs are welcome to be involved in these discussions. vii. Christian, Dr. Qualls, Tish, and Buffy traveled to Kentucky and met with the different groups/teams in the Presidium call center. They will be bringing on additional contacts for the clients. David Roy is currently transitioning in his role and will be full-time next week. He will be working with each of the different groups throughout the call center (training, quality assurance, customer service representatives, managers, coordinators, etc). His contact information will be provided to both Christian and Terry and they will be responsible for providing that information to the association. viii. Shanna is our subject matter expert. She will work to identify that the knowledge base is correct and that everything is in place. She also has a pronto account so that she can communicate directly with DLCs and vice versa. When getting her assistance, please provide her with the most information possible. ix. Christian will send out the call bridge information to DLCs so that they can dial in next week if they are experiencing issues/concerns. x. Pronto – Terry created Wimba pronto volunteers in Blackboard. If you enter that you will see a how to PDF for Pronto. You should see all of the DLCs names that have signed up for Pronto. Use the same information that you use to log into Blackboard. Email customization has been developed and is in staging. They are still currently testing this customization and should be available on Monday, January 19 th . ii. The SSN correction tool is in staging rack server and will be on the general server on Monday morning. iii. Withdrawals in the enrollment tool – When a student is withdrawn in Bb, they are automatically marked with an availability status of “no.” Those users will still appear, on the instructor and administrative side, within the course; however, they do not have course access. If the student needs to be reinstated their astatus should be changed in the MSVCC Enrollment Tool. This will re-activate their Bb status to available “yes.” If the instructor does not want to see the record, the instructor can just hide the user within the gradebook. Remind them that they can un-hide those users if they want a complete gradebook of all current and un-enrolled students. Those student’s statistics can also be seen through course statistics. Introduction of new professional manager, Aaron Bond. Last year Wimba went through some organizational changes. Part of those change created some new units within the company. One of those was a sales engineering wing. The Sales Engineering wing’s focus will change from one of working with existing customers as well as getting additional business. They wanted to ensure that Mississippi has everything that it needs to be as successful as possible. Mr. Aaron Bond will be the new primary contact. Scott has been promoted to another position within the company. Aaron works out of the New York b. Blackboard Updates – Christian Pruitt Three customizations i. c. Wimba – Terry Pollard i.


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