MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

HINDS credit

Academic/Technical Course Credit

Hosted Credit

Provider Credit




Example 2: Holmes is teaching BOT 1113. They will receive full hours credit for offering the course through MSVCC. If a Holmes part-time student takes the course, they will receive the following credits:

HOLMES credit

Academic/Technical Course Credit

Hosted Credit

Provider Credit

1 (BOT 1113) 1/2 They receive one full credit because they are “hosting” the Holmes part-time student, as well as being the “provider” for that same part-time student. 1/2


SBCJC Business – Christian Pruett and Terry Pollard. a. Presidium Updates – Christian Pruitt i.

Kentucky Visit – Presidium has hired several new people at their Kentucky call center. They have hired a new site manager, quality review manager, etc. in an attempt to better serve their clients. Shanna has been added to Wimba Pronto Pioneers and will be available beginning Monday, January 19 th . ii. Introduction of new assistance account manager. Presidium has hired David Roy as the new assistance account manager for MSVCC. He will work directly with Patrick on our account services. Please feel free to contact Patrick, David, or Shanna at any time their assistance is needed. iii. Using Pronto – All DLCs should have access to Wimba Pronto. If you have not yet setup an account, please do so. You can setup your account by going to the Community site, clicking Wimba Pronto Pioneers, click communications, click Pronto, following the instructions provided. iv. SIMS – Sims is the knowledge base software that automates the questions and answers for the call center staff. It should be completed before courses begin on Monday. The CSR is required to ask specific questions and type in those answers before they are able to move forward to the next screen. After they have asked the questions and received and submitted the necessary answers, they are prompted to the correct screen for support. We are going to allow them through the spring 2009 semester to correct the problems. In the meantime we are also looking at possible options, such as Preceptus. v. Presidium will be developing a spreadsheet for each college to use in order to verify and/or update the necessary knowledge base information. If this information is kept up- to-date, the amount of proper information provided to the students will increase. vi. Conference Call with Patrick – as stated during an earlier conversation this morning, SIMS allows us to automate the entire contact interaction with callers. That way everyone has the same experience when they call and the information is accurate. The scripts are


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