MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

added that faculty identification is not used for any other purpose, but for profiles. Having a different ID number is not a conflict for audit or snapshot files. iv. They also talked about the possibility of removing the faculty transcripts from the ET. The certification/faculty credential files will remain in place. They felt that this information was somewhat private and should be removed. Derrix requested that the transcripts stay in place. These are used when pulling in away college courses. He completes a course evaluation form, and his dean requests the transcripts to go along with that form. Just because one college feels that the instructor has the credentials to teach a certain course, does not mean that all colleges agree. v. Both faculty identification numbers and faculty transcripts in the MSVCC Enrollment Tool will be added to the June agenda. vi. The deans have requested to receive a work load report for MSVCC faculty. There are some faculty who are teaching through MSVCC and may have too much of a work load. Deans would like to ensure that these individuals are not overloaded and decreasing the quality of online courses because of it. The only problem is that it does not provide feedback on those instructors who either teach through a college outside of the state of MS or through one of the state universities. This would only provide data on faculty teaching through the MSVCC. Audra Leverton stated that she was concerned about the possible legal issues this could cause. We are providing information about faculty members teaching through MSVCC; however, we are not getting the same information for faculty who are teaching for external institutions and organizations. Christian will have to speak with those at state board to determine if this could be a potential issue. The other concern is that it should not be an issue if courses are evaluated properly. If the deans are concerned with course quality, it should be easily determined by course evaluations. Chris Jenkins stated that it makes a difference if the person teaches for multiple colleges and is only doing that, they are not a full time faculty anywhere, which is going to make it even more difficult to regulate. He feels that course evaluations do make a difference. Christian will follow-up with SBCJC to determine if this is an issue. If not, he will work with Ive to determine if this form can be added to the Enrollment Tool. vii. The deans have agreed to cancel courses at noon, on the Friday before classes begin. viii. Alicia will provide the association with the 2010/2011 MSVCC Calendar. This will be sent via email. ix. The next deans meeting will be held in October. This will give the DLC Association some time to review some of these items and provide input. There is a commitment from all of the deans in becoming more involved with campus DLCs. The eLearning trainers group met approximately 4 weeks ago to discuss additional online professional development. We have done a lot of work on Wimba 101 and Wimba 102 courses for the fall semester. Terry provided screens shots of the changes made. Wimba 101 will be a one week course with three modules. We are attempting to get buy-in for involvement with the Wimba Tools within their courses. There will be one assessment piece to this course, which includes 7 questions that are course specific. Wimba wants to be more involved in the Wimba 102 course. They want the completers to complete a national Wimba certification. ii. Terry has been working with Ive on developing a system in the Enrollment Tool for self registration. The DLCs can then pull reports on what faculty have completed training and how many hours of credit they have earned. They would like to provide some contact hours for each course so that those faculty can receive the proper amount of professional

d. Training Update – Terry Pollard. i.


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