MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

best accommodate, they will also direct bill state board for the meeting rooms. The meeting will be held at Harrah’s in Tunica. We will be staying at Veranda Tower, which has recently been renovated. We will begin on October 5 th at noon through October 7 th at noon. There will be a top secret event scheduled on the agenda. We will also have vendors that will come and discuss their products with us. So far we have Presidium, Wimba, and Apple as sponsors/presenters. We are also looking at Blackboard, Smart Thinking and Science Lab. The collaboration pieces of the meeting will be discussions on topics such as the day and the life of a DLC. Terry has also requested that we discussion the pre-conference CFTTC as well as Melo. An agenda will be provided at the beginning of August for the boot camp. If you notice in the agenda, there are 30 minutes breaks. These 30 minute breaks will allow everyone time to check email, get caught up with office work, etc. These sessions are going to be more interactive. b. Enrollment Tool: Counselor/Instructor Roles – Audra Leverton. Last month we requested that the registration rights be removed from the instructor role and turned on for the advisor role. Audra is wondering if there is a way to turn off the registration rights for those people at a certain period of time, but leave the registration open for DLCs. Alicia stated that Christian will need to discuss this with Ive. They have requested that self-registration be turned off, and she was told that it was either on or off at all times. Jennifer Leimer requested that Audra submit the request to the enrollment tool committee. The deans agree that all MSVCC courses should be 100% online, with the exception of proctored exams ii. The deans also discussed the evaluation tools available through the Enrollment Tool (ET). When conducting research, there is little use of the instructor self evaluation and supervisory evaluations. One of the problems is that the questions that are asked on these evaluation forms. The deans need to review the supervisor evaluation and determine what information should be added and what items should be removed. Jennifer Leimer asked that everyone review pages 37-41 of the policies and procedures manual. The action item is to determine how we should move forward with the student, faculty self, and supervisor evaluations . Although some colleges will want to use their own evaluation tools for accessing online quality, we could have a base line for all courses. Most institutions want to match online evaluations with traditional evaluations. If anyone has suggestions or recommendations for changes on all of these evaluations, please let us know. On page 39 of the policies and procedures manual, we have listed some items to consider before pulling in away college courses. The deans felt that the grading scale should not be one of the items considered. They are more concerned with the course objectives, etc. The grading scale should not be a deciding factor in whether or not to pull in a course. When reviewing away college courses, notify the deans if a syllabus is either missing or has information missing. If it is not something that can be resolved through the DLC group, the deans would like to be involved. iii. The deans expressed some concern over having SSNs in the Enrollment Tool for our faculty. Christian stated that some faculty teach for multiple MSVCC institutions. This could be an issue for those individuals. By removing the SSN and adding a faculty identifier, these instructors could have multiple profiles and logins. Some schools, JCJC and Co-Lin, actually trick the system by adding proceeding zeros to their faculty ID numbers. Alicia c. Deans’ Meeting Update – Alicia Shows. i.


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