MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

c. Instructor Workload Reports – Christian Pruett stated that he has discussed the issue with a legal representative from SBCJC and that there are no legal implementations for providing instructor work load reports to deans. This information is already publicly available on the website. This would apply to only full-time faculty at this time. Christian will ask that he look at part-time. Ive would generate the reports for the deans at each college. d. Blackboard Errors – Christian Pruett. He provided screen shot of user errors received from the FTP error files. The only two unique fields are SSN and DOB. These should be accurate when sending this information up to Bb. Within the Identity Manager in Bb, the External Key is the college identifier. EK1 – SSN; EK2 DOB. H.S. Everyone should receive Bb Data Integration Controller emails. If you have errors, check your files for what the error is referring. e. Mississippi State – Tish Stewart stated that Mississippi State has started an online service for H.S. students providing them with dual credit/dual enrollment for $199.00 a course. The website is . Tish called as a parent and asked who would be teaching these courses. MS State stated that they will be using MS State faculty. She asked how she knew that her H.S. would accept this and was told to contact her local H.S. for information. They are not requiring students to come to MS State to take tests, etc. Her local H.S. was not familiar with this dual enrollment. There is no 100% refund, one day they pay 80%, two days, etc. Alicia stated that Ole Miss has a similar program. . Alicia said that their local high school reported to the local newspaper that they were going with Ole Miss because it is dual “credit” and they were cheaper than other schools. They mentioned SMCC specifically. It costs approximately $180-$200. VI. GUIDED DISCUSSION – “If there was one aspect of your faculty that you could change, what would it be?” SBCJC will be coming to complete a technology road show at each community college. They will be providing workshops on the newest technology, not Bb/D2L, but things such as Second Life, etc. One simple mission statement is to “share resources.” We are all doing really good things at each institution and should share that among one another. It is important to work together and collaborate ideas so that we can continue to grow over time. Christian highly recommends reading “Death by Meetings.” The purpose behind the DLC Association is, are we using the right technology, are we collaborating in areas where we can (professional development/training). One way that SBCJC can help is by continually providing the MSVCC Teaching Effectively Online course, Wimba 101, Wimba 102, etc. This will help faculty know and understand their responsibilities as an online faculty member. MSVCC needs to collaborate so that we can be the absolute best we can be. Otherwise, these other institutions like Ole Miss and Mississippi State, will be getting our students. We also need to use the technology that we currently have, such as Wimba. Those tools are key components at some of these other institutions. Jennifer Leimer made the recommendation to build an MSVCC Faculty Handbook, which outlines the faculty’s responsibilities, etc. Phyllis stated that Rebecca built a tutorial for Respondus Lockdown Browser to provide to her faculty. This can be shared if you would like a copy of this. Audra Leverton said that it is sometimes difficult to get buy-in. Christian said that there may be


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