MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

3. Julia Parker 4. Holly Melvin 5. Jennifer James c. Quality – Jennifer Leimer 

Quality Review sub-committee

1. Jennifer Leimer 2. Keri Cole 3. Bruce Ingram

4. Beverlin Givens 5. Phyllis Johnson d. Support – Audra Leverton (chair)  1. Audra Leverton 2. Jennifer Powell 3. Buffy Matthews 4. Derrix Betts e. Administration – Tish Stewart (chair)  1. Alicia Shows 2. LaMetrius Daniels 3. Christian Pruett 4. DLC Association President 5. DLC Association Vice President 6. DLC Past President

Building Blocks, Vendors, and Partners sub-committee:  Proctoring sub-committee

Policies & Procedures sub-committee


LEARNING CIRCLE a. Itawamba Community College – Bruce Ingram provided the group with a handout concerning Echo 360. This is course capture software that provides video capabilities. This has worked well for Math and/or Statistics courses at ICC. Faculty have been working problems on the board and able to record that for online students. The box is approximately $2500. The software is more expensive at approximately $8,000-$10,000. Lead online instructors are required to record the navigation of the course for their students. You can setup a schedule through Echo 360 so that it will automatically record each day at a certain time. Faculty can edit their lectures before it is provided to the students. ICC was able to train their faculty easily. b. August – Tish Stewart


FUTURE MEETINGS a. Wednesday, August 5, 2009 – SBCJC

b. Thursday, September 10, 2009 (Wimba) Breakout sessions for committees will be at 9:00a.m. in a specified Wimba classroom. DLC meeting at 10:00a.m. in the DLC meeting classroom. Terry will set these rooms up.


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