MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

not provide individual student grades or individual college information. It provides an overall view of the grades for each course. We would like this to be included on both provided and hosted courses. Tish asked that all schools discuss the grade distribution approval with the Deans to see their understanding of what was voted on during their last meeting. The grade sheet will be re-discussed at the October DLC meeting. ix. Faculty Evaluator Role in ET – We had asked to table this until all roles and permissions have been established. Once that is complete Ive can built this option. x. Report on Deans’ input on Enrollment Tool Transcripts – there is currently no update to report. The Deans have not met since this was discussed at the DLC Association. They are planning to meet again at the MAC Conference in October. All schools should continue to update transcripts with the ID numbers and remove or black out the SSN and date of birth. Alicia will present the transcripts at the MAC Conference. Professional Development Catalog (emailed on August 7, 2009) – Terry would like to remind everyone to hand out the flyers that he provided during the last DLC meeting (August). Participants can now log in and sign up for those professional development courses. There was approximately 2/3 of the enrollment that he saw in our old system (via Bb). He met with the best practices group and they are looking at simplifying the MSVCC Teaching Effectively Course by offering the course one week at a time, rather than 6 weeks. He will be meeting with the ELT Training Team on September 28 th from 11:30- 3:00 at SBCJC. ii. Faculty and Student Orientation Modules – Bb modules/tutorials for students to see. Jennifer was under the impression that we were going to develop a student orientation module that is available in all courses. She feels that this may even benefit no-shows. Terry would like to determine what we would like for an orientation system. He will email the group to determine what is currently being used and what can be done for the association. iii. Support module and Support tab – We all had a support module that was an RSS feed on the support tab. This was not supported well using Bb. This has been removed from your faculty home tab. Will replace it with a support module added to the support tab, which will link directly to Presidium. Phyllis asked if this tab/module will be ready for boot camp. The support tab is currently listed on the DLC page and emailed the group a few weeks ago. NEW BUSINESS a. Determining No-Shows – Derrix Betts. Although we have discussed this at other meetings, Derrix would like to poll the group on how each school determines no-shows so that he and his administration can decide what is best to use at Coahoma. ICC requires that students complete an orientation module/quiz. If the student does not complete the quiz, they are counted as a no-show. If the student does complete the quiz, the grade appears in the gradebook and they have attended. Co-Lin requires that the students complete an assignment. PRCC has the student either complete an orientation quiz or the first assignment. Coahoma requires that the students complete an orientation quiz and submit their READI assessment results. All other schools use the student’s login to determine whether or not they are a no-show.

c. Action Items Follow Up – Terry Pollard i.



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