MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

Once a student is considered a no-show, do you remove them from the enrollment tool, or just withdraw them from the course in the Enrollment Tool. Most schools leave the student in the enrollment tool and just complete a withdrawal. Co-Lin removes them from the enrollment tool as though they were never enrolled in the course. It is important to either notify the school that you are removing the student or leave them in the ET as withdrawn, rather than just removing. This could affect their appearing in the class roster in Desire2Learn courses. b. Enrollment Tool Withdrawal/Drop Email Notification – Alicia Shows. Is there anyone who still uses SSN in the Enrollment Tool? Hinds and EMCC are the only schools that still use SSN in the Enrollment Tool. Hinds will begin using student IDs Spring 2010 Hinds will begin using student IDs. Alicia wanted an update on the courses that didn’t load properly from MSVCC and Blackboard. Christian said that at some point the script changed when rolling multiple sections into one section. They have worked out all of the kinks and will continue to work with Ive on the issue. Update on Course Enrollments in Academy system – See Item IV.c.i. ii. Learning Objects Evaluation – Really impressed at Bb World with Learning Objects. They have given us a yearlong evaluation for the schools to use the Learning Object tool. Our part of the commitment is to spend this semester conducting training. The next step is to find 200 faculty who would like to be trained to use these tools and creating assignments using the Learning Objects tool. The activities could be made available during the spring semester and then follow-up evaluations could occur. iii. Pronto and help desks – most have already updated to the new pronto. We have not started rolling out the help desk function. Chris Mann will be attending boot camp. Please start thinking about how you would like to use this, and how other departments within your colleges could use this tool. The tool is not designed to be restricted to certain institutions. These help desks will be developed and made available to anyone in the system with access to Pronto. For example, Pam Ladner who is the MELO president will be creating a writing lab help desk. This help desk will be available to all schools. Derrix would like to know how to roll out pronto to everyone of your campus. This can be done through Bb, but you can only place 500 people in one organization/per course. The company is looking at external ways of providing this so that they are not dependant on Bb. Derrix is concerned about the staff who do not log into Bb. d. Enrollment Tool Time Stamp – Michelle Mitchell would like to request that we add a last updated column in the MSVCC Enrollment Tool textbook sheet so that we can double check and verify textbook information in the Enrollment Tool. They checked the ET several times, but the data was updated after they had already ordered the book for the away college course. Christian stated that they have already discussed this with Ive and he will build out a column that will have a time/date stamp of when that was updated. This should be ready by the spring. e. Administrative Team – Alicia wanted to bring two issues with Bb. The first is that after the upgrade, they have had problems with course copy within Bb. The second is that she did not c. SBCJC Updates: i.


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